install cifs-utils
1 | sudo apt-get install cifs-utils |
create mount point
1 | mkdir /media/nas001 |
mount as guest
1 | sudo mount -t cifs -o rw,guest,vers=1.0 // /media/nas001/ |
NOTE: 用1.0, mount之后文件都是777,用2.0不是777
NOTE: umount by following command
1 | umount /media/nas001 |
update /etc/fstab to auto mount on boot
add following line in /etc/fstab
1 | // /media/nas001/ cifs rw,guest,vers=2.0,uid=quxr,gid=quxr,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0 |
1 | Instead of changing network management software, just use systemd's automount feature. It will not attempt to mount the filesystem until it is accessed. So assuming you don't try to go peeking into that mountpoint before the network is up, is should be fine. Just add "noauto,x-systemd.automount" to the options in your fstab. This functionality is very similar to autofs, but not quite as feature rich. |
test by following command
1 | sudo mount -a |